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Lyndsie Zachieus

The Woman Behind the Grassroots Movement
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All About Lyndsie Zachieus

Lyndsie was born in Houston, Texas in 1982. But, by 1988 her parents had divorced, and she was moved out-of-state, with her mother, to a little town called Moberly, in north central Missouri. Life in Missouri brought a new set of challenges to Lyndsie and her family. Those challenges included an abusive stepfather. Lyndsie describes her growing up years as “refining,” and openly admits how it tried her in difficult emotional and psychological ways. However, those circumstances laid the groundwork for the hunger in her to “feel seen and heard” and to see the reality for that same in every person in the world.

In her late teen years, Lyndsie’s challenging home situation finally took a turn when her stepfather drove her to the police station, in the middle of the night, and told her he would kill her and then turn himself in. But, Lyndsie had guardian angels. Guided, almost beyond her comprehension, she managed to get out of the car and to the police station door. Miraculously, it was open! She felt herself guided through the door and to sit down on a bench just inside. Safe there, the necessary events were set in motion, and at last, Lyndsie was seen, and her own story was finally heard.

Lyndsie was eventually liberated from her childhood struggles. Her path of healing and strength eventually led her to Los Angeles, CA. She hadn’t lived there long when her strong spirit was awakened. After witnessing two acts of violence within a three-day period, in the <month> of 2011, Lyndsie knew something in the world needed to change. Her life and experiences had prepared her. Her life had given her the confidence to take a stand. Thus, HELP the 11th was born on Veteran’s Day, 11-11-2011. And that movement has grown and exploded into the now burgeoning Play Way movement.

Learn more about Lyndsie by reading her book, Hey Everyone Let’s Play: the rise of a woman and a grass roots movement.

Lyndsie is a fun and engaging motivational speaker. Invite her to visit your event, speak at your school, consult with your business, or help you organize your own Play Way community events.

Contact Lyndsie

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